Wiki source code of XWiki Commons

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2020/01/29 08:28

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Thomas Mortagne 28.1 1 XWiki Commons is a set of technical Java libraries that can be reused outside of the [[XWiki Ecosystem>>xwiki:Main.Forge]]. Some of them are used for example in the [[XWiki Rendering>>rendering:Main.WebHome]] project which itself can be used independently of the rest of XWiki.
Vincent Massol 3.1 2
Thomas Mortagne 28.1 3 The following libraries are available:
Vincent Massol 3.1 4
Thomas Mortagne 28.1 5 |=Name|=Description
6 |[[xwiki-comomns-blame>>extensions:Extension.Blame Module]]|Produce blame/annotate/praise information from a history of changes
7 |[[xwiki-commons-collection>>extensions:Extension.Collection Module]]|Offers basic collection-related APIs
8 |[[xwiki-commons-component>>extensions:Extension.Component Module]]|Generic and very lightweight Injection framework with a simple component lifecycle
9 |[[xwiki-commons-configuration>>extensions:Extension.Configuration Module]]|\\
10 |[[xwiki-commons-context>>extensions:Extension.Context Module]]|\\
11 |[[xwiki-commons-environment>>extensions:Extension.Environment Module]]|Provides a simple abstraction of the execution environment
12 |[[xwiki-commons-extension>>extensions:Extension.Extension Module]]|Make easier to add on the fly extension installation from various kinds of repositories
13 |[[xwiki-commons-groovy>>extensions:Extension.GroovyModuleCommons]]|Provides Groovy execution APIs
14 |[[xwiki-commons-job>>extensions:Extension.Job Module]]|A set of APIs to easily communicate with an asynchronous task
15 |[[xwiki-commons-logging>>extensions:Extension.Logging Module]]|Receive and capture logs (SLF4J)
16 |xwiki-commons-management|\\
17 |[[xwiki-commons-observation>>extensions:Extension.Observation Module]]|Powerful Event bus with Listeners
18 |[[xwiki-commons-properties>>extensions:Extension.Properties Module]]|Convert various types of data
19 |[[xwiki-commons-repository>>extensions:Extension.Repository Module]]|Distribute and expose extensions to the world. It's used on for example
20 |[[xwiki-commons-script>>extensions:Extension.Script Module]]|Provide Scripting APIs (built on top of JSR-223)
21 |[[xwiki-commons-test>>extensions:Extension.Test Module]]|Generic testing framework to make it easy to unit test components
22 |[[xwiki-commons-text>>extensions:Extension.Text Module]]|XWiki-specific text-related APIs
23 |[[xwiki-commons-velocity>>extensions:Extension.Velocity Module]]|Provides Velocity execution APIs
24 |[[xwiki-commons-xml>>extensions:Extension.XML Module]]|XML and HTML/XHTML manipulation and cleaning APIs

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